

Зеленым цветом отмечены помещения для аренды, красным — арендованные.

Кристине Крукле

Менеджер по аренде и маркетингу

Моб.: +371 27742313

Тел./Факс: +371 67319445

эл.почта: kkrukle@nbpgroup.eu

Офис Unity

Виенибас гатве 109,

Рига, LV-1058,

3-й этаж, офис No. 3.13.

About the group

The Nordic & Baltic Property Group is a private group of companies focusing on property investments and private equity activities.

Our principal focus is on the Nordic & Baltic countries and we evaluate our investment prospects from a long-term perspective of not less than 10 years. We currently have a substantial real estate portfolio in all three Baltic countries and Finland as well as operating businesses in Latvia and Lithuania.

Vacancies in Baltics: